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2020: A year of hits and myths.

2020: A year of hits and myths.

As this terrible year closes, the C-19 virus warns humankind that it’s not done with us yet by bringing a new strain with an extra fang. The medical profession pauses to reflect on what it got right and learn from what it got wrong before bracing for a tougher 2021. We will remember 2020 as...

Six months of Covid in South Africa

Six months of Covid in South Africa

Six months of Covid in South Africa. Here’s what we know now: After a full half year of lockdown in South Africa, we’re still learning about the Corona virus contagion that has sickened the world. Some patients are battling to throw off the debilitating ME like symptoms that linger for many months. A trustworthy safe...

Covid Controversies

Covid Controversies

Covid controversies. The jury is still out on some key issues. Nine months in, Covid research is still in the messy phase.  While the planet waits impatiently for dependable scientific consensus on the prevention and treatment of the pandemic, medical research disagrees on several issues still. Here are some of the key Covid controversies that...

Odds of beating Covid are much better this July

Odds of beating Covid are much better this July

We’ve come a long way fast since March 5th 2020. On that day, the first Covid-19 patient had much to fear. Then, very little was known about the contagion and the limited data and scientific ambiguity made it difficult for the medical profession to confidently treat the virus with any certain belief of a positive...